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Live Well with Ballet Austin

Life happens; circumstances out of our control, and sometimes our own choices. In general, our well-being is dependent upon our thoughts, decisions, behaviors and social supports. Some circumstances may not change, but it is possible to recognize negative influences, make changes, and thrive!

What does living well mean to you? You might say that living well is a list of things to do or not do that make life better. But what does a better life look like?

Jean-Paul Sartre wrote that “Everything has been figured out, except how to live.” And that’s true. Life is a continuous lesson. We can’t always pinpoint the exact formula that contributes to that feeling of knowing we are living well. Each person has a different combination of factors and influences, both good and bad, that go into their own unique life. Those things often determine whether life is lived well or not.

Join us as we identify what gets in the way, learn how to clear our life path of the unnecessary and unhealthy, and discover how to live well.


May is Older American’s Month and Mental Health Awareness Month; a time to encourage ongoing mental and physical health and well-being no matter your age or current life circumstance. Eat well, move well, and live well to Be Well.

7 Small Habits to Boost Mental Well-Being

Prioritizing mental health and acts of self-care can be difficult. We underestimate the power very small changes can have over the way we feel. Simple tweaks to our daily habits can help lower the risk of certain illnesses, regulate mood, and boost optimism and mental health.

How to Get Out of a Bad Mood!

We’ve all been there. You’ve got a laundry list of tasks to finish for the afternoon or you’re starting to get ready for an evening out with friends, but you just can’t shake your bad mood enough to get yourself moving. Check out these tips to shake it off!

6 Science-Backed Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day

There are countless ways to brighten someone’s day that cost next to nothing and take only a few minutes. Boost your own well-being while boosting someone else’s! Make it a priority to look for opportunities every day to brighten someone’s life.

Live Well

It’s not about how many years in your life, but about the life in your years!

How to Age Gracefully by Changing Your Mindset

Do you greet each birthday with ambivalence or with anticipation? If you mourn the passing of time, here are some expert tips for how to reframe the aging process and start embracing it as an exciting season of life.

Live Well

Tips to improve your mental health.


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