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Move Well with Ballet Austin

The evidence is clear—physical activity can make you feel better, function better, and sleep better.

Movement is powerful. Moving your body daily is one of the best things you can do for your overall health; it has the power to improve every part of your body…and your brain. It is something you can do for you!

Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. According to the CDC, adults need about 150 minutes of physical activity each week. There are 10,080 minutes in each week. Therefore, less than 2% of your week needs to be allocated to movement. That’s doable!

We are advocates of micromovements; spreading out physical activity throughout the week. Move more and sit less throughout each day. We also believe that if you find an activity you enjoy you will stick with it, will keep moving. Wherever you are in your workout journey, start where you are and let’s move together!


July. It’s HOT! The heat can leave you feeling lethargic and exhausted. As temperatures rise during summer, it’s important to take steps to keep yourself energized and avoid feeling drained or fatigued.

Explore what rest, relaxation, family time and eating healthy look like for you this summer and Be Well!

Arms & Abs Pilates-Based Workout with Megan Richard

Join Megan Richard for Arms & Abs! Challenge your core and strengthen your arms from your home with this Pilates-based workout! Grabs some weights or cans of soup and join Megan!

This summer heat can quickly zap your energy and lead to overexertion. ditch the overheating and embrace a summer of safe and effective exercise!

Pilates Resistance Band Workout with Elise Pekarek

Ballet Austin Pilates instructor Elise Pekarek teaches a great workout from Ballet Austin’s Pilates Center. Clear some space, grab a mat, a resistance band, small weights, and a ball (or pillow), and experience the benefits of this Pilates mat workout.

Move Well Quote

Physical activity will help you attain your best health.

Benefits of Pilates: Why It Is Good For Your Health

You really only need one good reason, but here are the top 41 benefits of Pilates. Whether you try mat Pilates or reformer Pilates, summertime is a great time to change up your workout routine. If you’re in Austin give our Pilates Center a try!

41 Reasons Why Pilates is Good for Your Health

Move Well Tips

Stay active but be wise. It’s HOT outside!


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