Ballet Austin
Contact Us
Ballet Austin Mailing Address, Box Office & Administrative Center
501 West 3rd Street | Austin, Texas 78701
Business Offices: 512.476.9151
Have Questions?
Ticketing Services / Box Office: 512.476.2163 or boxoffice@balletaustin.org
School Shows / Education Department: 512.476.9151 ext. 141 or kathleen.rockefeller@balletaustin.org
ADULT CLASSES (Ballet, Hip-Hop, Modern, Fitness, Pilates, etc.):
Adult Dance and Fitness Class Inquiries: vicki.parsons@balletaustin.org
BALLET AUSTIN ACADEMY CLASSES (Movement and ballet classes for young children, youth, pre-teens, and teens):
Ballet Austin Academy: 512.501.8703 or registrar@balletaustin.org
Professional Dancer and Company Audition Inquiries: eugene.alvarez@balletaustin.org
Facility Rental Inquiries: billie.bledsoe@balletaustin.org (Click here for info on rental policies and pricing.)
info@balletaustin.org (NOTE: Please direct ticketing inquiries to boxoffice@balletaustin.org.)
Ballet Austin Academy
501 West 3rd Street | Austin, Texas 78701
Offices and Registration: 512.501.8703
Academy Inquiries: registrar@balletaustin.org
Young Children’s Division Inquiries: registrar@balletaustin.org
Ballet Austin @ The J Inquiries: registrar@balletaustin.org
Butler Center for Dance & Fitness and
Pilates Center Class Information for Adults
501 West 3rd Street | Austin, Texas 78701
Offices and Registration: 512.501.8704
Email us for information about dance & fitness classes for adults
Personal de habla hispana disponible Martes, Jueves, Sábados y Domingos.
Summer Intensive
501 West 3rd Street | Austin, Texas 78701
Information and Registration: 512.501.8703
Summer Intensive Inquiries: registrar@balletaustin.org
Performance Ticket Donation Requests
Our community donation program is on hold. We look forward to supporting your organization at a future time.