Peter & the Wolf School Shows
Recommended for Pre-K and elementary schools
Sponsored by Applied Materials Foundation and the Powell Foundation. Ballet Austin TWO is endowed by Sarah & Ernest Butler through the Ballet Austin Foundation.
About the Program
Experience a danced-based version of this famous Russian children’s tale set to Sergei Prokofiev’s iconic symphony for children. Join Ballet Austin TWO as Peter and his animal friends triumph over the danger in his own back yard.
FEATURING: Ballet Austin TWO
MUSIC: Sergei Prokofiev
The Peter & the Wolf curriculum is offered at no charge, and includes the following components:
- Video 1: Dance like the Duck (Pre-K4)
- Video 2: Dance like Peter (Kinder)
- Video 3: Dance like the Cat (Grades 1-2)
- Video 4: Dance like the Wolf (Grades 3-5)
- TEKS-Aligned Curricula in Theatre & Movement, Music, and Writing – designed for Grades 1 and 2
The dance lessons are optional. The dance lessons may be implemented pre-show or post-show. Some curricula are designed for pre-show, and others are designed for post-show. Some also include extension activities for further exploration.
Performances at Ballet Austin
- Ballet Austin, 501 West 3rd St., Austin, 78701
Date & Times:
- Jan 26, 2024 at 10am
- Jan 26, 2024 at 12pm
Ticket Prices:
- $6 per person (students, teachers, chaperones) for Title I schools
- $10 per person (students, teachers, chaperones) for all other schools
Registration Guidelines:
- Minimum 10 students per school is required for registration.
- A minimum of 200 registered students is required to proceed with the show.
- No children younger than the age of 3 are allowed to attend. Children ages 3 and 4 must be enrolled in a Pre-K program to attend. Chaperones must be 18 years of age or older.
- A ticket must be purchased for each person attending the performance.
Important Dates
Registration and Payment Schedule
Please enter the following dates in your calendar now to insure you meet all registration and payment deadlines.
- Wednesday, September 6 at 10 am: Registration opens for all campuses.
- Friday, December 15:
- Registration closes at 9am.
- All payments are due.
- All registration changes are due.
Dates for Receiving Materials
- Friday, December 15: All schools that have paid in full receive the link to Peter & the Wolf curricular materials. All other schools receive these materials upon completion of payment.
Week of December 18: All schools that have paid in full receive parking and attendance information.
Payment Options and Info
- Ballet Austin accepts EFT/ACH payments from several school districts, including AISD and Hutto ISD. If your district prefers payment by EFT/ACH and does not have that set up with us yet, please contact us to do so.
- Checks are accepted.
- No purchase orders are accepted as payment.
- There are no refunds for school shows.
Peter & the Wolf School Shows registration is now closed. We are still accepting wait list requests.
If you have any questions that are not answered on this page, please contact Associate Director of Education, Kathleen Rockefeller, by email.
Ballet Austin TWO is endowed by Sarah & Ernest Butler through the Ballet Austin Foundation.
Education Underwriter