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Move Well with Ballet Austin

The evidence is clear—physical activity can make you feel better, function better, and sleep better.

Movement is powerful. Moving your body daily is one of the best things you can do for your overall health; it has the power to improve every part of your body…and your brain. It is something you can do for you!

Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. According to the CDC, adults need about 150 minutes of physical activity each week. There are 10,080 minutes in each week. Therefore, less than 2% of your week needs to be allocated to movement. That’s doable!

We are advocates of micromovements; spreading out physical activity throughout the week. Move more and sit less throughout each day. We also believe that if you find an activity you enjoy you will stick with it, will keep moving. Wherever you are in your workout journey, start where you are and let’s move together!


May is Older American’s Month and Mental Health Awareness Month; a time to encourage ongoing mental and physical health and well-being no matter your age or current life circumstance. Eat well, move well, and live well to Be Well.

Workout Motivation as You Age!

Aging is one of the greatest threats to our independence, mostly because of what it does to our muscles. We begin losing muscle around age 35. Muscle loss happens more rapidly after age 60. We can lose as much as 3% of our muscle per year after that. Not good! But there is a remedy, and it’s never too late to start. Join Vicki Parsons for a short talk and a sampling of weight-bearing exercises.

If you seem to be shrinking the older you get, it’s not an optical illusion. Loss of height is just one of the many ways our posture changes as we age. But are these shifts in stature inevitable?

20-minute Dance Workout for Healthy Aging

Get your heart-rate up, your endorphins flowing, and fire up your muscles! Welcome to a short 20 minute dance workout which will fire up those endorphins and bring more smiles to your face! This dance workout is for anyone who loves to dance as a form of exercise but is looking for a low impact option. Clear your living room and follow along!

Move Well Quote

The wisdom of Joseph Pilates

What You Need to Know about Exercise & Mental Health

Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional wellbeing, and lower rates of mental illness.

Move Well Tips

Tips to Stay Motivated Through Life!


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