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Ballet Austin Health and Safety Protocols

Ballet Austin’s highest priority remains the health and safety of all the members of our Ballet Austin community. We believe that our mission focuses on the encouragement of health and well-being as part of the experience of dance, and addresses a vital need in people’s lives, especially now.


We are pleased to announce that patrons, parents, and students are welcome to the Butler Dance Education Center for the 2023/24 School Year.


Ballet Austin will continue to monitor the CDC, federal, state, and local guidelines, as well as the guidance of our medical advisor in this evolving situation. We will post updates to our protocols, as warranted.

  • All eligible students are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19.
  • If a student is feeling sick, regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated, they should stay home and contact their medical provider.
  • We strongly encourage being tested for COVID-19 before returning.
  • As the City of Austin and Travis County have lifted all COVID-19 emergency rules and orders, Ballet Austin is now a mask-optional facility.
  • While wearing a mask is no longer required while on premises at Ballet Austin, due to Austin’s current “low risk level,” we strongly encourage the wearing of masks while onsite at Ballet Austin.


  • Students who test positive for COVID-19 will need to isolate at home and report their case to the Academy Registrar, via email or by calling 512.501.8703
  • Students who test positive will isolate for 5 days (the day they test positive will be day 0).
  • Students who test positive will need to be symptom-free and fever-free, without fever-reducing medication, for 24 hours before returning to Ballet Austin.
  • Students may return to class on the sixth day after a positive test result and are asked to wear a mask for five more calendar days.

NOTE: Ballet Austin staff, faculty, and accompanists are fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

We look forward to seeing you as we continue to fulfill our Mission to involve and strengthen our community through the creation and experience of dance, and the encouragement of health and well-being.

Thank you.

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