Each year Ballet Austin offers The Nutcracker Docent Program free to campuses that register for The Nutcracker School Shows. Prior to The Nutcracker School Shows performances, engage your students in educational content to help contextualize their experience. This optional pre-performance educational program is geared towards 3rd graders and includes engaging activities for students.
Ballet Austin, the Ballet Austin Guild, and volunteers from the community have been providing this free in-school educational program for students throughout Central Texas for over 40 years. Whether you choose to participate in-person or virtually, the Docent Program will help make a field trip to the ballet a meaningful and enjoyable educational experience for Central Texas students and educators!
The in-person multi-media Docent presentation fits neatly into one 45-minute class period. It meets 3rd grade TEKS for Fine Arts, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, and includes fun elements such as video excerpts, simple dance activities, real pointe shoes and ballet slippers, actual costumes from past productions, and a Q&A session during which your students can have all of their questions answered.

The presentation will help students learn more about dance and professional ballet dancers, including the following topics:
- The History of Ballet
- Dancers as Artists & Athletes
- The Life of Professional Dancers
- Dance Shoes
- Ballet Costumes
- The History, Music & Story of The Nutcracker
Schools must be registered for The Nutcracker School Shows to request a Docent visit.
Volunteer Docents will reach out to schools in November to schedule presentations.
Presentations will be given in the weeks prior to The Nutcracker School Shows.
The school must provide a 45-minute time period for each Docent presentation – this will allow the volunteer to complete the presentation and have time to answer questions.
Equipment schools should provide for the Docent presentation on school campuses:
A dedicated space for the presentation that minimizes outside distractions and noise
A computer with PowerPoint (unless the Docent opts to bring their own laptop)
A projector or large display for the presentation
Speakers for the computer that will allow all students in the room to hear the audio portions of the presentation
If speaking in a space larger than a classroom, a microphone may also be needed
For schools that are not able to schedule an in-person Docent presentation, Ballet Austin will provide a virtual, on-demand version of the presentation (see below).

Episode 1 – The Art and Athleticism of Dance (10 minutes) – view pre-show
Episode 2 – Bringing a Ballet to the Stage (10 minutes) – view pre-show
Episode 3 – The Nutcracker Story, History and Music (10 minutes) – view pre-show
The Nutcracker Worksheet Activities, TEKS-Aligned with Grade 3 ELAR and Fine Arts – complete after watching the three episodes above
Dance Lesson 1– Rat Dance from Act I (11 minutes) – pre- or post-show
Dance Lesson 2 –The Nutcracker Prince’s mime from Act II (5 minutes) – pre- or post-show
Ballet Austin Dancers, Education Staff, and volunteer Docents guide your students through the virtual experience.
The virtual presentation will be provided to all campuses registered for The Nutcracker School Shows (except for those that have registered for an in-person Docent visit) the week of November 11.
If you have any questions that are not answered on this page, please contact Associate Director of Education, Kathleen Rockefeller, by email.
The Nutcracker School Shows Sponsor